Sunday, February 10, 2008

Modern Guitars?

Hello Twang Kings and Queens!

People have asked about both the title of this blog and my business name :- Modern Guitars. Well why not! Its just my way of differentiating myself from all the others out there who sell vintage guitars.  Modern Guitars has a variety of possible interpretations. Either its that I love guitars made during the "modern" period since the 1930's, or the fact that some of the guitars that I buy, sell and own myself are not as such "vintage" guitars i.e. 25 years old or made before 1983! Perhaps its just my cussedness in that I don't want to be "just another" vintage guitar dealer.  So that's why we are "Modern Guitars" and the question mark in the blog title... ah well let's save that for another day...!  Adios Fret Heads for now!

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